Membership Application

TVARC Membership Application

TVARC, Inc. is welcoming new members. If you are interested in joining this group please complete the form and mail to TVARC, Inc., PO Box 2202, Eureka, MT 59917. The meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Lincoln Electric conference room.


Call Sign:___________
Address ________________City_______ State_______Zip______
Email address:______________________

Annual membership fees are due and payable on January, 1st.
Membership fees are:____ Family $35.00 _____ Regular $25.00_______ Associate $15.00.
Would you like your information published on the website.________?
TVARC is looking forward to an active 2011-join us for the fun!!
Pat Jacobs, President; Dann St. Pierre, Vice President; Greg Fisher, Secretary; Gayle Newman, Treasurer
Trustees: Craig Eaton, Chuck Newman and David Higgs
TVARC, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c) 3 organization.

Click here for PDF format Membership Application!